Field Fresh Farms
Our complete line of conventional baby lettuces, Asian greens, Mega mix, spring mix, baby and teen spinach, romaine hearts and whole leaf vegetables grown and distributed by Field Fresh Farms, LLC. Our produce is CDFA Certified and sustainably grown for our retail and foodservice customers in the fertile soil of California’s Central Coast.
Beach Road Organics
Our complete line of organic baby lettuces, Asian greens, Mega mix, spring mix and baby spinach sustainably and organically grown in California’s Central Coast by Field Fresh Farms, LLC and distributed by Beach Road Organics. Our produce is certified organic by ASCO, and is available in a variety of packouts for our foodservice and retail customers.

Cauliflower: 1 head, wrapped
Romaine Hearts: 22 oz (3 ct) bag
Iceberg Lettuce: 1 head, wrapped
Spinach: 10 oz bag
Spring Mix: 10 oz bag
Mega Mix: 2 lb clam
Arugula: 2 lb clam
Baby Kale: 2 lb clam
Baby Spinach: 2 lb clam
Mega Blend: 3 lb bag, 4 x 3 lb bag
Spring Mix Blends: 3 x 1 lb bags, 16 x 1 lb bags, 2 x 1.5 lb bags, 5 x 1.5 lb bags, 3 lb bag, 3 x 3 lb bags, 4 x 3 lb bags, 5 x 3 lb bags
Baby Kale Blend (Red/Green): 2 x 1.5 lb bags
Baby Kale (Lacinato): 2 x 1.5 lb bags
Baby Greens: 4 lb liner, 15 lb liner
Arugula (Flat): 2 x 2 lb bags, 3 x 3 lb bags
Arugula (Wild): 2 x 2 lb bags, 3 x 3 lb bags
Baby Spinach: 2 x 2 lb bags, 4 x 2.5 lb bags
Stemless Spinach: 4 x 2.5 lb bags
Cello Spinach: 4 x 2.5 lb bags, 16 x 1 lb bags
Green Leaf Lettuce: 24 ct liner
Red Leaf Lettuce: 24 ct liner
Iceberg Lettuce: 24 ct liner, 24 ct wrapped
Romaine Lettuce: 24 ct
Romaine Hearts: 48 ct, 12 x 3 ct
Broccoli: 14s bunched, 18s bunched, 20 lb crowns
Iced Sweet Baby Broccoli: 18s bunched
Iceless Sweet Baby Broccoli: 18s bunched
Iced Green Onions (Medium): 48 ct bag
Iceless Green Onions (Medium): 2 x 24 ct bags, 4 x 12 ct bags, 4 x 2 lb bags
Iced Brussels Sprouts (Medium): 25 lb bag
Mega Mix: 2 lb clam
Arugula: 2 lb clam
Baby Kale: 2 lb clam
Baby Spinach: 2 lb clam
Mega Mix: 3 lb bag, 4 x 3 lb bags
Mega Blend: 3 lb bag, 4 x 3 lb bags
Spring Mix Blends: 3 x 1 lb bags, 2 x 1.5 lb bags, 5 x 1.5 lb bags, 3 lb bag, 4 x 3 lb bags, 5 x 3 lb bags
Baby Kale Blend (Red/Green): 2 x 1.5 lb bags
Baby Kale Power Blend: 2 x 1.5 lb bags
Baby Kale: 2 x 1.5 lb bags
Baby Greens: 15 lb liner
Baby Spinach: 2 x 2 lb bags, 4 x 2.5 lb bags
Arugula (Wild): 2 x 2 lb bags
Butter Lettuce: 24 ct liner